Westbrook Sewer Lift Station
This 1.5 million, design-bid-build project, was completed in February 2020 for the new construction of the Westbrook Sewer Lift Station. GSE’s scope of work included open cut excavation and installation of 8-foot diameter precast concrete wet well with a depth of 33 feet, 99,000 Gal overflow basin, and valve vault. GSE self-performed all the of earthwork, underground piping, vault and wet well mechanical. A major challenge encountered were quality issues of the precast overflow basin. The basin came in eight precast sections, but during assembly it was noticed that the sections were not square, aligning correctly, or short leaving gaps in the seams. GSE worked with the manufacturer to correct the deficiencies by filling the gaps with grout and patching the seams on the inside with T-lock lining. GSE performed a hydrostatic test to ensure the structures were water tight. Another issue GSE encountered was vandalism and theft during a couple of weekends. No high dollar items were taken and connex box used was a rental with insurance to cover the damages. After the second incident, we started to park our equipment to block the side and back door and did not have another incident after that. The project ended successfully and the client was satisfied with the work and recommended GSE on future projects.
Fast Facts
Year Completed – 2020
Contract Amount - $1.5 Million
Owner – Westpark S.V. 400, LLC
Engineer – HydroScience Engineers, Inc.
Role/Delivery Method – Prime Contractor/Bid-Build